Isaiah 50: 4
This is a prophetic reference to our Lord Jesus. The book of the prophet Isaiah is very wonderful. I would recommend that we all study the prophet Isaiah. In John’s gospel it says of Isaiah that he saw the glory of the Lord Jesus and spoke of Him, John 12: 41. There are many references in this book to the Lord Jesus - Isaiah 53, in particular; but all through the scripture there are fine references to Him.
The simple impression that I had is particularly in relation to the middle of the verse, “that I should know how to succour by a word him that is weary”. We all know what it is to be weary, and tired, and perhaps not feel very well. And then if we have rest, or food, we get strength and feel better again. That is what is natural, but how much more in what is spiritual if we receive an impression about our Lord Jesus - it succours us.
The word “succour” conveys the provision of resources, what is fresh. I would like to apply this scripture to how we may succour one another. And the way it is presented in this scripture is that we succour “with a word”. If we are to succour with a word, we need to have a word.
I would like to refer briefly to how we may have a word to succour another. Earlier today our brother spoke about how we start our days, and that is extremely important. This verse relates to the Lord Jesus but we can also apply it to ourselves. We can think of the Lord Jesus when He was on earth receiving each morning a word for the day from His Father. Just think of that for a moment, thinking of who He was, the blessed Son of God, but in His dependence as Man He would receive a word from His Father. In the four gospels it often speaks of the Lord Jesus rising early. Think of that blessed One waiting for a word from His Father for the day. What blessed, perfect communion there was between the Lord Jesus and His Father. And in receipt of that word, think of the way the Lord Jesus would be able to succour those who were weary.
Think of the woman in John’s gospel chapter 4 who was in a terrible state morally. She came into contact with the Lord Jesus; it says of Him, “he must needs pass through Samaria”. Think of the succour that woman received from the Lord Jesus. As a result of coming into contact with Him she became a worshipper and was able to speak to others and say, “is not he the Christ?”, v 29. So for each one of us, if indeed the Lord Jesus took a place in dependence, how much rather we should. And we have had at the weekend also that He left a model for us.
Our brother also referred to the matter of praying in the morning; how right that is. I recommend too to read the scriptures in the morning. You may only have time to read one or two verses but if you read the scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a word surely you will receive that. And as we receive the word, it would give us power in a scene where things are generally against the believer.
We might come into contact with another believer who is discouraged or weary, and as in receipt of the word we will be able to succour that one. I have known myself what it is to be weary, and perhaps not to want to think much about the things of God. When someone gives a word about the Lord Jesus you are encouraged, you are succoured. And perhaps someone that you have been able to speak to is able to succour or encourage someone else. That is one of the wonderful things about Christianity, that is spreads among believers. If I have an impression of the Lord Jesus and I share it with you I do not lose that impression; I retain it but you would gain it. If you were to speak to me about the Lord Jesus I would receive an impression, but you would not lose it.
One thing I would say - perhaps the word you received yesterday might not be the word that is needed today. That is why it says, “he wakeneth morning by morning” - it is a daily thing. The footnote to “word” is “a word in season”. When things are in season they are proper to the setting that is required of them. So I would encourage us all each morning, as much as we are able, to seek help from the Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit to have a word for that day.
The references to “the tongue of the instructed” and “to hear as the instructed” are very interesting. The believer in the Lord Jesus is to grow in his knowledge of that One, to become instructed. Think of what is available in Him. Again, earlier, someone referred to the fact that the Lord Jesus “has been made to us wisdom”, 1 Cor 1: 30. And in the epistle of James it says, “But if any one of you lack wisdom let him ask of God”, chap 1: 5. So I would encourage each one of us, especially myself, to seek a word from the Lord Jesus - because how ready He is to give a word.
That One who has done so much for you and loves you so much wants your company, He wants your confidence. So I would just commend these things that we might be able to succour and to encourage one another.
May the Lord just bless the word to us.
15th February 2010