Phil B Klassen
Exodus 3: 1-6
Matthew 4: 18-22
I have a very simple impression. What we read in Exodus about Moses must have been quite something, but my thought is about where the Lord is calling us, and where He is calling us to. This burning bush was not being consumed by fire, and yet it was still burning. I think that God would bring in things that may seem unbelievable to us, if I can put it that way. He wants us to draw nigh, and Moses did draw nigh. God said, “loose thy sandals from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground”. He wants us to come to a place where there is “holy ground”, a place where He can tell us of Himself. He said, “I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob”. God wants us to know who He is; He wants to bring us into a place where we can know who He is. We read here that Moses was tending to the flock, something that is a legitimate thing to be doing; and yet he was brought into nearness to God: so near that he needed to hide his face for he was afraid to look at God.
Where I read in Matthew, it is interesting that these four that Jesus called here were all fishermen; they all worked in a righteous manner. They did not have any problem with what their occupation was. And yet when the Lord called them, it says they “immediately followed him”. What a place! It is a very simple thought, but I just desire to impress on each one of us - following the Lord and being brought nigh to Him. It is so important in our lives; because if we are brought nigh, I can say it this way: our family comes with us - to be influenced by the things of the Lord Jesus. Then those around us can be influenced. So, I would encourage each one us not to be afraid to draw nigh to the Lord.
There is another scripture I had in mind: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you”, James 4: 8. I would encourage each one of us to put ourselves in a place where we can be blessed, and that is in nearness to the Lord. If we go out into the world, we are putting ourselves in trouble; it is not a place where we can be blessed by the Lord. I think if we can really draw nigh to the Lord, He will bring us into a place where we will be able to understand what He is as God. God said, “the God of thy father”. He was the God of all that had led up to Moses.
I leave these few words with us, that we might be encouraged, for His Name’s sake.